Syphilis Miasm

Signs and Symptoms of Syphilis Miasm given in the book A Comparison of Chronic Miasms by Tyler, ML…


Dull. Oppression and anxiety at night.

Restless, mental spells; patient is driven out of bed inducing symptoms of suicide.

Patients are aggravated by perspiration.

All symptoms are worse at night.

Mentally dull, heavy, stupid and especially stubborn, sullen morose and usually suspicious. Depressed but keep troubles to themselves and sulk over them.

People who develop fixed ideas.

Slow in reaction.

They become melancholy and condemn themselves. (R)

Fixed in moods.

The latent syphilitic is dull, stupid, heavy and obstinate. Depressed. The patient keeps his depression to himself. The first thing you know is that he has committed suicide.

He is a close mouthed fellow.

When SYPHILIS and SYCOSIS are combined, these patients are sullen, smouldering, threatening to break out into dangerous manifestations. (R)

Degenerates are sycotic or syphilitic or result from both. (R)

Morose and mistrustful.

Desire to escape, to get away from self.

This often drives them to suicide.


Idiocy. All quickness of thought is gone and there is a gradual incapacity for understanding things-and this makes him morose. It so comes about in course of time that his mind fails to travel from subject to subject, a quickness that is so prominent in Psora. Thus he grows into one wanting in attention and comprehension. If he reads a line he cannot understand its meaning and he has therefore to read it over and over again. The mind grows slow-as if paralysed. (B)

Thoughts and ideas vanish away and he has not the mental ability to bring them back. He reads but cannot retain it; there is a kind of mental paralysis- he forgets what he is about to utter.

*Sometimes we see this in TUBERCULAR children all through school days and often we attempt to whip them into line but it is constitutional treatment they need.

The reasoning powers are slow and they are constantly condemning self.

These patients are better of their mental stress and disturbances, like Psora by some external expression of the disease : for instance leucorrhoeal or a gonorrhoeal or catarrhal discharge of any form returned, ameliorating a sycotic patient at once.

Quite often from suppression of both SYPHILIS or SYCOSIS a baisler meningitis is set up which induces all forms of mental aberrations. The degenerate and all his kin is either SYCOTIC or SYPHILITIC- usually SYCOTIC, or deeply impregnated with a SYCOTIC taint or a SYCO-PSORIC one.

The mental symptoms arising from moral insanity usually arise form a mixed miasm and SYCOSIS combined with PSORA figures largely in the criminality of


Vertigo beginning in the base of the brain are more apt to be of a SYCOTIC or SYPHILITIC nature or may be of

Headaches at night. Worse at night or approach of night; baisler. They improve in the morning and remain better all day until evening when they grow worse as the night advances, then they grow better towards morning.

Dull, heavy or lanceolating, constant persistent. Usually baisler of linnier or one-sided.

Headaches worse warmth, rest or while attempting to sleep. Headaches worse on lying down and at night. Generally headache baisler, worse at or after midnight.


Hair dry like tow (latent).

Hair dry, dead like hemp from an old rope (latent).

Hair very oily and greasy (latent).

Hair falls out in bunches or in spots usually beginning on the vertex (latent).

Falling out of hair from lashes and eyebrows.

Falling out of hair on sides of head and vertex (latent).

Hair falls out in beard due to skin eruptions.

Moist eruption in hair.

Hair fetid, oily, sour smelling.

Fetid, sour, oily (child) latent, crusts of dried pus and excrement.

Crooked, bent, curved or broken eyelashes. Red eyelids, stubby, broken or imperfect lashes.


Moist thick crusts.

Moist eczematous eruptions about scalp.

Scalp is moist, perspiring copiously (children).

Head large, bulging, often open sutures, bones soft, cartilaginous (children). Scalp eruptions moist with copious pus formation.

A thick yellow heavy crust is apt to be TUBERCULAR or SYPHILITIC in origin.


The miasm that makes serious inroads upon the structures of the eye.

Astigmatism & other marked refractory changes in the lens as in sclera choroid body and iris.

Process that changes organs & gives us perverisons of form or shape and size.

Disturbances in the glandular structures or in the lachrymal apparatus.

Ulcerations and specific inflammation: ciliary blepharitis, acute or chronic;

Ciliary neuralgia.

Arthritic or rheumatic eye troubles are worse night or after sun sets and worse heat.


All organic ear troubles.

some cases translucent, almost with or bright red, and their course.

Loss of smell.

Hay fever is an expression of SYPHILIS & LATENT SYCOSIS is very often with a PSORIC taint. (R)

Snuffles in children.

Ulceration, thick crusts (clinkers) often filling whole nasal cavity. The crusts are dark, greenish black or brown, thick and not always offensive.

Bones of nose destroyed.

In lupus of the nose the three miasm are usually present.


Face greyish, greasy appearance.

Deep fissures in lips.

Moles and papilomati.

Grey, ashy appearance on face of an infant. It looks old, puckered, dried up, wrinkled like an old man.

We have the high check-bones, thick lips almost like an African; in some cases the skin of the face is rough voice coarse deep often hollow, eyelids red, inflamed, scaly, crusty lashes, broken, stubby, irregularly curved and imperfect, In these cases the SYPHILITIC or TUBERCULAR element predominates in latent from


True ulcers.

Swelling and induration of glands and such pathological changes as we see taking place in the teeth or dental arches are of a SYPHILITIC or TUBERCULAR diathesis.


Saliva is ropy, cottony, viscid, metallic or copper tasting.

All metallic tastes make us think of SYPHILIS or that the TUBERCULAR element is present.

VERY IMPORTANT. Taste should be neutral and any perversion or falsification has a miasmatic basis.


Likes cold foods. (R)

All toxic drugs become sooner or later prime disturbers of psora or the chronic miasms in general but particularly PSORA.

Desires and aversions stand high in therapeutic value as they are basic miasmatic symptoms next in importance to perverted mental phenomena in disease.

An aversion to meat.

Desire cold things to eat and drink.

“The cravings and longings of the patient ars basic miasmatic phenomena of great therapeutic value.”

Cough: one or two distinct barks like a dog!


Very little mental disturbances in heart troubles, even at critical periods of the disease. They may have heart trouble for years without causing them any more than occasional dyspnoea or some pain. They die suddenly without warning.

These patient usually deny they have any cardiac troubles, or they are usually unaware of them.

The SYPHILITIC and SYCOTIC heart conditions are much dangerous than the PSORIC, but the PSORIC patient worries about his conditions, takes his pulse frequently, fears death and remains quiet. In the combination of SYCOSIS and PSORA we get the right soil for valvular and cardiac disturbances with changes in organ structure; these are the conditions that cause the fatalities. With these SYCOTIC heart conditions there is none of the fear and apprehension that we find in PSORIC patients. (R)


The mercuries represent syphilis as fully any remedies.

True SYPHILITIC or TUBERCULAR patients are worse at night; they are driven out of bed by their diarrhoeas, sometimes this is accompanied with profuse warm or cold perspiration, which is very exhausting and debilitating.

Cancerous affections, malignant growths and such diseases have as a rule All the miasms present, especially the SYCOTIC and the TUBERCULAR combined PSORA can never be left out out of malignancies, no matter what other element may combine with it; it fathers them all.


Fibrous changes in kidneys.


The TUBERCULAR and SYPHILITIC bone pains are very similar both as to their character and times of aggravation.

Stitching, shooting or lancinating pains in the periosteum or long bones of the upper or lower extremities.

Worse at night, or approach of night; worse change of weather; by cold and damp.

In nails we have many inflammatory changes due to SYPHILIS and TUBERCULOSIS. We have in both, true onychia though not of such specific character in the TUBERCULAR process an in the tertiary SYPHILIS.

sometimes spoon-shaped – the natural

Chilblains are based on all the miasms – we have the PSEUDO- PSORA taint, with a SYCOTIC element as a basis-that is why they prove such a dreadful disease producing agent when suppressed by local measures.

Paralytic disease edematous swellings, anasarca and such are SYCOTIC, SYPHILITIC AND PSEUDO-PSORIC.


Eruptions found about the joints, flexures of the body, or arranged in circular groupings, ring or segments or circles. Copper coloured or raw ham colour, brownish or very red at their base. No itching and very little soreness.

Scales and crusts thick and heavy. patchy and in circumscribed spots.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.