Sycosis Miasm

Signs and Symptoms of Sycosis Miasm given in the book A Comparison of Chronic Miasms by Tyler, ML…


Cross, irritable.

Oppression and anxiety when weather changes.

Fits of anger. (R)

He is suspicious, the suspicion extends to the point where he dare not trust himself, and he must go back and repeat what he has done or said and wonders if he has said just what he means, he goes back and starts again. he is suspicious that he will be misunderstood, that his hearers will give the wrong meaning to what he is attempting to convey. This suspicion when turned upon others leads to the worst forms of jealousy of his friends, for he knows full well that he is not understood. (R)

There is a peculiar tendency for making a secret of everything.

Sycosis is ever anxious lest his secrets are out, lest he is found out. Just as he is himself anxious to keep his mind from others, he thinks that others are also of the same mentality and are trying to keep things from him. Thus is necessarily suspicious.

If he writes or says something he will repeat it over and over- he always suspects that the idea has not been correctly laid out.

He broods over thing. (B)

Sycosis coupled with Psora is the basis of criminal insanity and of most suicides. (R)

Men and women who commit suicide to-day are mainly sycotics.

When SYPHILIS and SYCOSIS are combined, these patients are sullen, smouldering, threatening to break out into dangerous manifestations. (R)

Degenerates are sycotic or syphilitic or result from both. (R)]

The sycotic taint develops the worst forms of degeneracy, because of the basic suspicion and jealousy; patients will resort to any kind and all means of vindicating themselves in their own light. This is the most markedly degenerate of the stigmata in its suspicions its quarrelsomeness, its tendency to harm others and to harm animals. This produces the worst forms of cruelty and cunning deceit and the worst form of mania of any of the stigma.(R)

Sycosis is the most mischievous of all the miasms. He is ever bent upon the mischief’s and misdeeds. The sycotic mind is so grossly debased. Sycosis makes the victim devoid of all sense of righteousness. It makes him a liar and a vicious scoundrel; makes him destitute of all love and affection for others; makes him mean and selfish. All the vicious individuals on earth- thieves, robbers and murderers are the products of Sycosis. It makes a beast out of man. (B)

Absent minded only in certain things. Forgets words, sentences and previous lines that he has just read- he wonders how the simplest words are spelled; he has momentary loss of thought, or he loses the thread of his discourse frequently; he is constantly stopping to find it, which causes him to repeat.

Often this is due to his inability to find the right words. If writing he is not certain of using the right words or he is in about spelling. He drops words or letters or uses wrong ones.

Has difficulty in giving his case to the Physician-afraid he will not give it correctly. In speaking, afraid he will forget something. This is painful to him and causes him much annoyance and suffering.

In reading and any mental effort causes pain in head.

Recollection of recent difficult whilst they can recall things of the past.

The reasoning powers are slow and they are constantly condemning self.

Cross and irritable and disposed to fits of anger.

These patients are better of their mental stress and disturbances, like Psora by some external expressions of the disease : for instance leucorrhoeal or a gonorrhoeal or catarrhal discharge of any form returned, ameliorating a sycotic patient at once.

In the tertiary stage patient is better by an eruption of warts. (See Provings of Murex.)

Mental conditions of sycosis are all better when warts or fibrous growths appear; they are always better in general from return or breaking open of old ulcers or old sores and markedly by return of acute gonorrhoeal manifestation. (R)

Quite often from suppression of both SYPHILIS or SYCOSIS a baisler meningitis is set up which induces all forms of mental aberrations. The degenerate and all his kin is either SYCOTIC or SYPHILITIC- usually SYCOTIC or deeply impregnated with a SYCOTIC taint or a SYCO-PSORIC one.

Self condemnation which is the moral reaction to the inception of the disease state. (R)

To sum up, the mentality of Sycosis is; suspicion, mischievous, mean, selfish and forgetful. (B)

The mental symptoms arising from moral insanity usually arise from a mixed miasm and SYCOSIS combined with PSORA figures largely in the criminality of our country.


Vertigo beginning in the base of the brain are more apt to be of a SYCOTIC or syphilitic nature or may be of TUBERCULAR origin.

Frontal or on vertex worse at or after midnight.

Headaches of sycotic children are more common than we think, worse at night, producing feverishness, restlessness, crying fretting and worrying. Better by motion. Headache in vertex or there may be a frontal headache; these are worse lying down and at night, especially after midnight. (R)

The patient is restless and wants to be kept in motion which ameliorates. (R)

The head symptoms resemble the syphilitic in that they have the night aggravation and there is the same type of vertigo at base of brain. (R)

Headaches worse on lying down and at night.

Headaches usually worse riding, better by motion, worse by exertion either mental or physical.

Usually accompanied by coldness of body, sadness and prostration. (R)


Hair falls out in little circular patches.

Hair falls out in beard due to skin eruptions.

A fishy odour from the hair.

Child smell sour.

Stubby, dead broken hair in beard.


The hair falls out in circular spots; the hair of the beard falls. (R)

The sycotic scalp perspires but there are not the moist matting eruptions of syphilis. (R)


Ulcerations and specific inflammation; corneal inflammation in young people. Chronic corneal ulcers in children where there is no trace of syphilis but based on Tubercular diathesis. Sycosis never gives a true ulcer.

Thick copious pus formation or discharges, especially if greenish or yellowish-green are distinctly TUBERCULAR or SYCOTIC.

Gout of the eyes.

Arthritic troubles of the eyes are a combination of SYCOSIS and PSORA; there are also neuralgias which are worse on change of weather, worse change of barometer and worse rainy weather. (R)

Sycotic pains may come on at any time but are worse by barometer changes or by moisture, rainy or stormy weather.

Babies born from sycotic parents sometimes have ophthalmia neonatorium.


Gouty concretions in ears of baby born of sycotic parents.


Loss of smell.

Hay fever-nose clear one hour, the next he cannot get a particle of air through his nasal passages.

A red nose with enlarged capillaries.

Snuffles in children. This is unusually moist and there is no ulceration and no crust, or if purulent, is very scanty and has the odour of fish brine or stale fish.

The stoppage is due to local congestion and thickening of the membrane or enlargement of the turbinated bodies due to congestion, the discharge is yellowish-green, scanty except in fresh winds when it is copious thin mucus.

New babies of sycotic parents often get “snuffles” – nose dry, stuffed up: frequently child will scream with anger in its attempt to breath with its mouth closed. May last few days or weeks but usually displaced by something more serious especially if local measures are applied to relieve it.

Children from sycotic parents complicated with gout take cold easily at slightest exposure and frequently suffer from acute coryza – discharge from nose becomes copious, watery, and often excoriating.

Gouty concretion in nose.


Erysipelas of face, psoric and sycotic.

All warty eruptions, moles, papilomati.


Gouty concretionss in mouth of young baby born of sycotic parents.


A putrid, musty or fishy taste.


Craves beer and whilst this is not a desirable element in his diet it causes much less aggravation than do wines. (R)

(Meats arouse the latent sycosis as in psora. The sycotic patient should take sparingly of meat and should have more nuts, beans or cheese. Gouty conditions cannot digest nuts. (R))

Likes either hot or cold foods. (R)

All toxic drugs become sooner or later prime disturbers of psora or the chronic miasms in general but particularly PSORA.

Desires and aversions sand high in therapeutic value as they are basic miasmatic symptoms next in importance to perverted mental phenomena in disease.


This patient, especially a child is worse by eating any kind of food whatever and is better by lying on stomach or by pressure over region of stomach, and by violent motion, walking rocking, etc. Pains are always crampy or colicky, paroxysmal, and better by hard pressure and motion.

Meat in sycotics stimulates or assists in developing the uric acid and gouty diathesis.

Prefer beer, rich gravies and fat meats-well seasoned with salt and pepper.

They are better for hot drinks and prefer food warm.

Children born of sycotic parents often suffer from colic almost from the moment of birth; not the ordinary flatulent colic but one of severe and specific nature continuing often from one to three months after birth. The sufferings that these children have to undergo is simply indescribable; they writhe and twist and squirm with pain, drawing up their limbs and screaming often for hours at a time. The pain usually comes in paroxysms or it is better by pressure or by the child lying on the stomach or by being carried about; shaking or rocking gently seems to modify things. Heat gives temporary relief but all foods worsen greatly, even the Mother’s milk, although food when first taken seems to give amelioration for the time being. Gas is frequently expelled from the stomach with great force and is often quite pathognomonic, of sycotic colic. Many times relief has been given with Lycopodium or Argentum Nitricum, both remedies seem frequently required.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.