SEPIA homeopathic remedy keynotes and indications from the Decachords by Gladstone Clarke, of the medicine SEPIA…


      1. Tall, slim (not conspicuously thin) women with narrow pelvices dark hair, yellow complexion and characteristic “saddle”; “washerwoman’s remedy.”

2. Marked indifference even to family; no enjoyment in life; sits and says noting; occasional fits of temper, then spiteful, obstinate and touchy. Melancholy, inspired by proud, stoical self-pity; (<) consolation and company; dreads meeting friend esp. men; lachrymose, weeps when detailing symptoms; anxiety and fear about real and imaginary evil so dreads being quite alone; disinclination to mental and physical labour.

3. Hypersensitiveness to external stimuli esp. noise and music; often causes the irritability.

4. Atony of digestive organs; sinking feeling at about 11 a.m. not (>) eating; nausea at the smell of food; hates fats, likes acids and pungent things; (<) milk; constipation from inactivity of rectum; with protruding piles.

5. Atony of females pelvic organs; irregular menses of nearly every form; great pressure and bearing down, but must cross legs to prevent protrusion; char. h/a, extreme exhaustion and faintness in a.m. during M.P. Disorders during pregnancy and after.

6. Irregularities of circulation esp. at climaxis; e.g. flushes run upward and end in sweating and faintness; hands and feet hot alternately.

7. Micturition; frequent urging even at night; urine turbid; offensive, leaving adhesive red sediment; enuresis of children during first sleep. Old gonorrhoeas.

8. Chronic skin conditions; yellow patches on face and body esp. chest and abdomen; chloasma; ringworm in isolated spots esp. on upper part of body; itching; esp. of genitalia, not (>) scratching. Easy sweating esp. between folds of skin; great falling of hair; warty growths.

9. Sensation as of a ball in various organs (spasmodic contractions).

10. Lack of vital heat; very chilly yet (<) stuffy rooms; (<) before thunder; sultry, moist weather; (<) laundry work; many symptoms (>) violent exertion; excitement.

Notes: Inimical to Lachesis and Pulsatilla. A chronic of Nux Vomica. A single dose often acts curatively for many weeks. Keynote-Atony.

A. Gladstone Clarke
Arthur Gladstone Clarke, a christian missionary working with the North China Mission, made good practical use of the homeopathy. He learnt as a student at MSM. He published a short introduction to the use of over 100 commonly used medicines—Decachords—first published in 1925 and still in print today.