CANNABIS SATIVA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CANNABIS SATIVA…


CANN. Hemp. Hahnemann’s “Materia Medica Pura,” I Duration of Action: several weeks.


Arnica Bryonia, Cantharis, Nux-v., Opium, Petroleum, puls., Stann.


Of large doses: a few glasses of very sour Lemonade; of small doses: Camph.


Rheumatic drawing in the periosteum of the long bones, as if they had been bruised by blows, during motion. Prickings, at night, when in bed, and getting into perspiration, accompanied by great anguish, and a sensation as of having hot water repeatedly thrown over him. Lacerating pushes, and deeply penetrating lancinations in different places, especially in the limbs. Complaints occasioned by fatigue. Hysteric symptoms. Tetanic spasms of the upper limbs and the trunk, from time to time. Immediately after a meal, he feels tired in all his limbs. Feeling of inertia in every part of the body. Great weakness after little exercise. Sudden weakness of the lower limbs, as if he would ink down. Weariness, vacillation, and dull pain of the knees.


Unconquerable drowsiness, the whole day. Sleeplessness after midnight. Restless sleep. In the night he is waked from his slumber by frightful dreams, without knowing where he is. Restless sleep at night, frequent waking, confused, sometimes anxious dreams, emission of semen, followed by light sleep.


Small pulse. Slow pulse, scarcely perceptible. Chills. Fever, chills, with violent thirst; after drinking, his is attacked with shaking, coldness of the hands, knees, and feet; accompanied by hurriedness, tremor, distortion of the face; at times weeping, at times joyous, at times furious mood. The whole body is cold, the face becomes warmer and warmer. Shuddering over the whole body, extending to the head, as if the hair were drawn tight. His limbs feel cold to the touch, he trembles with chilliness. Seething of the blood.


Sadness. Cheerful mood, as if excited by liquor. Unsteadiness and vacillation of temper. Anxious mood. Mental derangement; partly with merry, partly with serious mood. Furious frenzy.


Vertigo when standing or walking, with dizziness. Dullness and reeling sensation in the head. Inability to recollect. Piercing headache. Uninterrupted headache the whole day. Continual headache on the top of the head, as if a stone were pressing upon it. Dullness of the head, it feels heavy, with painful pressure in the forehead and eye-lids. Pressure in the temples. Painful feeling in the head and nape of the neck, when moving the head. Creeping in the skin of the hairy scalp.


Pressure, with lacerating in the upper eye-lid. Feeling of weakness of the eyes and sight. The cornea becomes opaque, specks and pellicle on the cornea. Cataract. Sensation of spasmodic drawing in the eyes. Scrofulous ophthalmia.


Tingling, itching, and smarting, as from salt, in the face. Hot face, with red checks.


Large nodosity on the nose, surrounded by red swelling, like acne-rosacea. Haemorrhage from the, nose unto fainting. Bleeding at the nose.


Roaring in the ears. Tingling and throbbing in the ear. Throbbing, pushing pain in the ear, almost extending into the checks disappearing when stooping and quickly reappearing when raising the head again.


Stupefying, compressive pain on the left side of the chin, which affects the teeth of the side.


Eruption in the vermilion border of the lips, and the corner of the mouth. Difficult speech. His speech was more like a clangor than a human voice. Elevation of voice, accompanied with excessive anguish and torture, owing to pain in the back. Early in the morning, burning dryness in the palate. Burning in the throat. Dryness in the mouth, viscid saliva, absence of thirst, especially in the evening, and hot hands.


Gulping-up of a bitter-sour, rancid fluid. A sort of retching in the pit of the stomach, rising into his throat. Nausea. Vomiting of a slimy, bitter-tasting water, accompanied by a scraping sensation in the throat, followed by dullness of the occiput. Green, bilious vomiting. Anguish in the pit of the stomach, with oppressed breathing and palpitation of the heart, rising of warmth in her throat, arresting the breathing, as if something were lodged in the trachea, accompanied with flushes of heat. Cardialgia. Pinching and cutting in the pit of the stomach.


At different times, violent attacks of pain in the stomach, with paleness and sweat of the face, pulse almost extinct, and rattling breathing like that of a dying man. Ulcerative pain of the stomach; when touching it, it goes off after eating.


Pinching above the umbilicus (after a meal). Pinching in thee abdomen and cutting in the loins. Anxious throbbing in the epigastrium, like strong pulsations. All the intestines are painful as if bruised. Shuddering in the abdomen, as if cold water were moving through it. Painful, hard swelling in the right hypochondrium. Swelling of the abdomen. Abdomen and chest are painful externally. Drawing pain from the region of the kidneys to the inguinal glands, with anxious and sick feeling in the pit of the stomach. Ulcerative pain in the region of the kidneys, both when touching the parts and not. Pressing from within outwards in the abdominal ring, accompanied by ulcerative pain. Colicky pain in the epigastrium, followed by diarrhoeic stool, and smarting in the anus.


Complete obstruction of the bowels. Pressing in the small of the back and rectum, as if the intestines were descending and were being pressed out, when sitting. Sensation in the anus as if something cold were dropping out. Contractive pain in the anus. Itching of the perineum.


Chronic retention of urine; strangury, particularly at night; painful discharge of drops of bloody urine. Nephritis. Cystitis. Calculi in the bladder. Desire to urinate, with aching pain. Difficulty to urinate, paralysis of the bladder. The urine had to be drawn off by the catheter; but afterwards it could not even be drawn of by the catheter, on account of the instrument becoming clogged with mucus and pus. Urine full of filaments, as if pus had been mixed with it. Enuresis. Lacerating, as if in the fibres of the urethra. Itching, tingling stitches in the fore part of the urethra. Burning stitches in the posterior portion of the urethra, during the emission of urine. Pain, during micturition, from the orifice of urethra to its termination at the bladder; burning smarting, rather stinging posteriorly. Simple, but violent burning in the fore part of the urethra, during the emission of urine. Burning during and after micturition. Stinging smarting pain during micturition, biting pain between the acts of micturition. Darting stitches in the posterior portion of the urethra, when standing. Cutting pain in the fore part of the urethra, during micturition. Discharge of watery mucus from the urethra. Closing of the orifice of the urethra by mucus. The penis is swollen, without erection. The urethra feels inflamed, and is painful through the whole of its length, when touching it; chordee during an erection. Spreading (fan-shaped) stream. Frequent erection followed by stitches in the urethra. Painful discharge of mucus from the urethra (a kind of gonorrhoea).


Swelling of the glans and penis, a sort of erection without sensation. Coldness of the genital organs, with warmth of the rest of the body. Aversion to an embrace. Swelling of the right and lower side of the prepuce. Swelling of the fraenulum and prepuce, especially at their union. Itching of the prepuce. The prepuce is dark-red, hot, and inflamed. Smarting, as from excoriation, of the margin and inner side of the prepuce. Continual burning of the whole prepuce and glans. Corrosive burning and stinging of the outer parts of the prepuce and of the urethra in the region of the corona-glandis. Soreness of the margin of the prepuce. When walking, the penis feels sore and burnt. Tensive pain in the spermatic cord, when standing, and contraction of the scrotum. Sense as of pressure in the testicles, a sort of dragging, when standing. Swelling of the prostate gland. Great excitation of the sexual instinct, accompanied by sterility. Profuse menstruation. Confinement in the eighth month, accompanied by frightful convulsions.


Early in the morning, rawness in the chest.


Dry, violent cough. Chronic catarrh of the larynx and trachea. Oppressed breathing, with sensation as of a load on the chest. Violent pinching behind the sternum, in the lower part of the chest. Pushes or beatings in both sides of the chest, frequently recurring, arresting the breathing at the same time, most painful in the region of the heart. When taking exercise, or when stooping, violent shocks in the region of the heart, as if it would fall out. Stitches in the integuments of the chest. Cutting across the integuments of the chest. Tensive dullness of the left half of the chest, with slight jerkings, palpitation of the heart, and oppression. Nodosity on the xiphoid cartilage. Pain in the region of the heart. Asthma. Difficult respiration, without expectoration. Orthopnoea; he was not able to breathe, except with his neck stretched, with wheezing in the trachea, and by greatly distending the abdomen. Difficult respiration when lying down. Inflammation of the chest and lungs. Inflammation of the lungs, with vomiting of a green, bilious substance. Inflammation of the lungs, with delirium. Carditis. Polypi of the heart. Aneurisms of the great vessels.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.