
Spongia homeopathy remedy keynote symptoms from the book 700 Red Line Symptoms by J.W. Hutchinson. Find out the keynote symptoms of homeopathy medicine Spongia……

657. Thyroid gland swollen and hard, with suffocative attacks at night.

658. Swelling of the testicles. with pressive bruised pain; stitches from testicles into spermatic cords which is swollen and painful.

659. Croup; dry, barking, hollow cough, with wheezing, whistling, sawing, anxious breathing; worse during inspiration and lying down.

660. Neuralgic headache, begins lightly and increases gradually to its highest point, and then gradually declines.

661. Hoarseness and roughness in the larynx, with great weakness in the chest.

662. Great accumulation of mucus in the trachea, easily detached by a slight cough.

663. Respiratory diseases characterized by profuse mucus or muco- purulent expectoration, sometimes expectoration of balls of sweetish mucus.

664. Reading aloud or talking produce great exhaustion.

J.W. Hutchinson
JOHN WESLEY HUTCHINSON, West Saginaw, Michigan, was born in Hibbert township, Perth county, Ontario, Canada, November 15, 1869, son of John and Matilda (Nesbitt) Hutchinson. He attended the district schools in his native county, and pursued a business course at
the People’s Institute in Chicago, Illinois, and a literary course under private tutors.
After reading medicine with Dr. Enos E. Kinsman of Saginaw, Michigan, he attended the Chicago Homoeopathic Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1897, and after receiving his degree he practiced in West Saginaw. He did post-graduate work in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College.
He was a member and vice-president of the Saginaw Valley Homoeopathic Society, a member of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of Michigan, the American Institute of Homoeopathy.